Why Hot Yoga Changed My Life

Why Hot Yoga Changed My Life

We live in a world where the stress of everyday life can really pile up. Whether it’s work, school, emotional stress, or all of the above- I have found a way to just let everything go. And let me tell you, it’s the best feeling ever.

I heard people rave about hot yoga all of the time, but I just felt it wasn’t really for me. Why would I sit in a hot sweaty room when there are a million other things I could be doing? After some needed persuasion, I gave it a shot.

There are many different types of hot yoga, but for my first attempt I did Yoga Sculpt, which involved free weights to intensify the yoga poses. When you are sweating like you’ve never sweat before and all of your concentration is on connecting your mind and body to hold the perfect position, you literally can’t worry about anything else. Even if you tried, might I add.

There is something so freeing about this. No matter what is happening around the world, you are fully captivated by the current moment you are in. And no matter where you try it, almost all yoga sessions end with a super calming and slow few minutes where you can transition back into the real world. This time is so important for reflection. I may sound crazy, but you will understand the feeling if you give it a shot.

Almost all yoga studios offer a free trial week! So there’s no excuse- give it a shot! Bring some water, a towel, a yoga mat, and your heart. I hope incorporating hot yoga, or any yoga for that matter, brings as much peace to your life as it did for me.



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