Are you getting ready for sorority rush? We’ve got all the tips you need to be the ultimate rush crush! Here are some things you should keep in mind:
Have an open mind: Don’t go into rush week with preconceived notions of which sororities you want to join. This process is about finding your place in a sisterhood, so stay open to unexpected opportunities!
Ask them questions too: Remember that you’re also interviewing them. Ask about their lives since joining, their philanthropy, their favorite part about being in the sisterhood, and why they love their sorority. This shows your interest and helps you narrow down your choices.
Be yourself: It’s important to be true to who you are throughout the process. Don’t pretend to be someone else just to fit in. Your personal style should shine through and reflect who you are, but remember to follow any PHA guidelines.
First impressions are everything: You only get one chance to talk to each person you meet, so make each conversation count. Practice active listening and carrying a good conversation. Be kind and considerate to everyone, and give them something good to say about their time with you!
Stay present: Don’t get distracted by other people’s opinions or experiences. Your rush process is unique to you, so stay true to yourself and don’t be swayed into anything you might regret. Trust the process, take it day by day, and have confidence in yourself!
Good luck, babe! We know you’ll find the perfect sisterhood for you. Xoxo, The Threads Babes