☽ A R I E S ☾
As you enter November, you will start to uncover hidden information and reevaluate important financial, personal, and intimate relationships. With the new month, new opportunities for connections and relationships will be put in the spotlight. This is a time for unexpected developments and discovering greater truth. Just remember your values, babe. If your morals are being compromised, you won’t go far. Stay true to who you are.
☽ T A U R U S ☾
This month is all about deepening your relationships. This is a time to explore, discover, and heal. Use this month to evolve and learn your needs for intimacy, security, support, and teamwork. This marks a new journey of liberation for you, babe. Trust that you have more to gain than to lose and remember to keep your channels of communication open to expand your understanding.
☽ G E M I N I ☾
November is a time for reflecting and healing. Take this month to look back and see how far you have come and what you want to achieve in the future. This is the perfect chance to change your daily habits and health routines to allow yourself further fulfillment and powerful transformations. Once you create a loving space to grow, opportunities will arise for you, babe. Don’t be afraid to make new connections and network. Finding like-minded individuals may help push a work project that has felt stalled.
☽ C A N C E R ☾
November is about getting out of your comfort zone and living more mindfully. Remember you are supported by your family and those around you, so being able to stay in the present will help elevate the connections you have with your loved ones. This is a chance rediscover your inner child. Your power to manifest is out of this world babe. You can have what you want if you’re honest with yourself. Be open to embrace love and abundance entering your life.
☽ L E O ☾
This month you will have to confront the past with painful experiences that have shaped your thoughts. Keep in mind, this will help you to heal and blossom. You are in a creative phase at the moment, so now is the time to become in tune with your true desires and creative visions. Remember babe, it’s not about focusing on success but on confidence and authenticity. You have many possible opportunities to explore your creative potential. Remember to take risks and put yourself out there. You will be rewarded in return.
☽ V I R G O ☾
If you have been confused about past conversations, this month you will be able to get a little more clarity. This time in your life marks a new communication cycle where you are able to reevaluate your choices. You must remember to release resentment and keep doors open so you can learn a deeper meaning and make transformations. Move ahead with the truth. Realizations this month that you have been seeking have been right in front of you, just be open to them, babe.
☽ L I B R A ☾
This month is all about reevaluating recent developments and financial commitments. Who calls the shots in your life? You have to have honest communication with yourself about what you want. The first step begins with what you value. This month you will be able to get back in the driver’s seat and make choices that work for you. Using your voice will open a whole new world and could be the discovery you’ve been praying for. Opportunity is knocking, babe. Invite it in.
☽ S C O R P I O ☾
This is YOUR month Scorpio. Now is the time to shed your skin and redefine self identity. Change is happening deep within you even if it appears you are moving about life as usual. Acknowledge your desires, fears, and patterns in order to move forward in life. Step into your power, babe. You may run into a financial breakthrough. Remain detached in this situation and you can attract what you need. Over the past year, you have seen major growth in your self worth. With this next phase, carry that confidence with you and remember to give yourself credit. Your heart is what is true wealth.
☽ S A G I T T A R I US ☾
November is about immersing yourself in inward reflection and transformation on a soul level. You have a magnetic energy babe. All eyes are on you this month, so don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone to network with those who can help further your ambitions. Remember to move slowly. Things that are rushed are likely going to be sloppy. You must be able to release what isn’t working for you and take your growth day by day. You are a hustler, so slowing down can be difficult for you. Let this be a reminder to check in with yourself.
☽ C A P R I C O R N ☾
In November you will be yearning to get out and make new friends. Now is the time. People are attracted to you and want to hear what you have to say. With an expanding social circle comes new possibilities. Let this be a chance to make your dreams come true. You are very calm Capricorn, but don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself on this month’s journey. You have a bright vision, so speak up when necessary. Your intuition is one of your strongest senses. Trust your gut and have faith in yourself. You will be surprised by what you can achieve.
☽ A Q U A R I U S ☾
This month, you are focused on work. Whether it be exploring new side hustles, pursuing higher education, switching jobs, or getting an opportunity to travel while you work, this could be the second chance you’ve been waiting for. With this professional exploration you are bound to meet like minded individuals. Let them in as they are the connections you need. In November you need to be able to uproot any insecurities that prevent your progress, babe. Remain confident and grounded as you boldly step into your goals.
☽ P I S C E S ☾
This month you are embarking on a spiritual phase, Pisces. This is a time to start a new process of rediscovering your beliefs. Being able to be open-minded will guide you in this exploration. Surrender to the power of letting go and you will be able to make great advancements in your career and life. You must be able to expand your visions of what you think is possible, as once in a lifetime opportunities may come to you this month. Take a chance to move to a whole new level and in return you may receive greater freedom and security.