Giving Back: Compassion International

Giving Back: Compassion International

January is a time for reflection and new beginnings. We make conscious decisions of what we want to leave behind in 2019, and what to bring into 2020. Last year, American Threads decided to make it a goal to sponsor a child in poverty for every Threads employee. We are so excited to continue this goal in 2020! We teamed up with Compassion International in an effort to give back and make this world a brighter place for all. Read along to learn more about the program- you just might bring this intention into your 2020 too!

What is Compassion International?

Compassion International is a child sponsorship program that allows you to personally connect with a child in poverty to give them support. Through a monthly donation, you can bring life-changing opportunities to these kids, including education, nourishing food, medical care, and a community through Compassion’s Christian child sponsorship program. You can write letters, send gifts, and hear stories from your child to stay connected and build your relationship with them!

Ways to Give

You can donate to help meet the critical needs of unsponsored children, moms + babies in need of support, children who need medical assistance, and children and families affect by disaster relief. You can check out more details on the ways to give HERE.

To find out more about Compassion International and how you can give back, click the logo below!

With love,

American Threads


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