DIY: 4 Ingredient Organic Air Freshener

DIY: 4 Ingredient Organic Air Freshener

A new season is just around the corner. Something refreshing yet expected, change but the good kind. It may still be hot as hell but I feel fall in my spirit. September is here and like a switch, I have become instantly tired of the heat and have begun day-dreaming of crisp mornings, ciders, and the fresh beautiful scents of Autumn. 

Mother nature isn't quite ready and Summer is still holding on,  however I decided to take things in my own hands and slowly turn my home over to fall. I created the most beautiful organic air freshners so that when I close my eyes and bumb up the AC, I can pretend we are living in cooler times. 

Join me & learn how:

Step One: Begin by cutting your wax into smaller pieces and place in soup can. Fill pot with around 2 inches of water and begin to boil. The soup can will act as a double broiler, when water begins boiling place soup can in pot and allow all the wax pieces to melt (stirring occasionally with wooden skewer) When completely melted, add in essential oil (as much as your prefer) and stir. Remove soup can from pot with tongs and set aside. 

Step Two: While wax is still warm, carefully pour in molds. Begin to place herbs and flowers into wax using your wooden skewer to move to a position you are happy with. Carefully place in freezer for 10-15 Mins.

Step Three: Tip mold over and your air freshener should easily come out, if not just give a slight tap to the back. If you want to add a string or rope to hang, heat the end of a nail until hot and then carefully pierce where you want your string to go. Tie your string and you are finished!

Your house will smell lovely for weeks, just in time for Autumn to make her appearance.


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