My two greatest passions in life are traveling & photography - which together create a beautiful courtship that leads to boxes and boxes full of plane tickets, random momentos & instant photos with no where to go. If i'm being honest, travel journaling is completely new to me, i've always just cataloged the adventures and memories in special compartments of my brain hoping that they never disappear. But i've committed to a resolution of documentation. A challenge to document not only my travels but also the everyday. To use my own two hands to write, doodle, collage & get messy. To think less, write more. To slip out from behind my camera and capture feeling on paper, taking note of every detail, personal experience, & turning the whimsical thoughts in my head into a tangible thing.
The moment I got this deep revelation of documentation, I wanted to write & I wanted to write now! Of course that meant actually having a physical journal of my own, which I didn't have so I pulled together items from my home & an old American Threads shopping bag (represent) and fell in love with the magical creation I was not expecting to pull together. It was so quick & easy. Let me show you how...