Step 1: Cut the balsa wood with an exacto knife creating two pieces the exact same size. I choose to keep mine at 6x12.
Step 2: Using a ruler, measure out and mark three spots where you would like your hooks to be placed. Because the wood is thin, the hooks should screw in fairly easily. I used a screw driver to initially create the hole and finished with just twisting the hooks in to place.
Step 3: Create a stand by gluing the main board in the center of the secondary board.
Step 4: Create your months & dates cards. Using a sharpie, write the months on the bottoms of your polaroids and numbers on the separate blank cards. You need numbers 0-3 for one set and 0-9 for the other. If you decided to use hangtags for your number cards, measure with a polaroid to get the exact size and trim the rest.
Step 5: Hole Punch & Hang!