Diet Makeover: Going Green

I’m no different than the next person- I love fries, pizza, chocolate..the list goes on. I’m human. But I do enjoy eating healthy as well. Eating clean doesn’t always have to be such a forced action. It becomes easier when you find things that you enjoy preparing and munching on. It especially becomes easy when you start to feel better-it truly is amazing what a transformation it can make!

The title of this blog sounds intense but don’t let that scare you off. I want to help and give suggestions on how you can start using healthier options in your every day eating. I am no dietitian but I do know the difference in processed foods and natural fresh foods!

First tip: don’t be afraid of green. Not everything healthy has to taste like it was just ripped up from the ground- if you know you know. Spinach. I love to add spinach to smoothies, you could add in a huge handful and not taste it at all and it’s just nice know you’re getting those greens in. I also love adding spinach to eggs in the morning. Avocados. Another one of my favorite “greens”. Alone or added to a salad or a piece of toast, this yummy fruit (I know I thought it was a veggie too) is always a good idea. If texture or color scares you when it comes to veggies, try adding it with something you know you like so that you can gradually ease into liking whatever the new food is. Don’t be afraid to experiment or you’ll never know!

Second Tip: shop fresh not frozen. I realize that this is so much easier said than done but if you follow through with this then you avoid slipping up and eating bad as often! If you load up your cart with fruits, veggies, organic fish/meats, then when you go to your fridge or produce bowl, you leave yourself with no choice but to whip up some yummy nutrients that will leave your body screaming with joy. You will also save some money by cooking in and not post mating every meal :) We love to save that money!!

Third tip: BALANCE. Just like anything in life you need balance. Changing your diet will not happen over night. Start to replace things with healthier options and don’t beat yourself up if you slip up every now and again. That doesn’t mean you should not try to do the best you can but again its life, if you want a french fry or a piece of chocolate don’t deprive yourself of it- doing so will only make the process of eating clean more difficult!

I’m the first one to want to order pizza but I know that can’t be my thought for every meal if I want to live a healthy lifestyle. Eat your veggies and earn that slice of pizza -lets make 2019 the best year!

Happy clean eating babes!




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