You are very strong minded and set in your beliefs. This month, focus on being a bit more open minded when it comes to your love life and dating. Instead of assuming people see things the way you do or that you are the center of their thoughts, remember everyone has a whole world inside them. Hold off on your assumptions, and let potential lovers or your current relationship unfold at its own pace before jumping to conclusions.
With success comes responsibility. This month may mark a time when your career is taking off. While this is excellent, you may find yourself feeling more stressed than blessed. Don’t let this stop you from enjoying the moment, babe. Remember to not isolate yourself and put your love life on the back burner. You could miss out on opportunities with new love, let a current one fizzle out, or neglect the feeling of your long term partner. Remind yourself to put the work down and go do something to keep the love you need in the air.
You have felt a bit stagnant. It’s time to slow down and make some meaningful choices. When doing this in your love life, allow yourself to take a moment and look at the changes that will move your life in the direction you need to go. This may mean dropping the deadweight of someone that pulls you down, finally getting serious with someone you’ve been entertaining for a while, or just having a deep conversation with your long term partner about your wants and needs. Remember, it’s not always easy but in order for you to reach your full potential, it’s necessary.
On December 25th, there will be a solar eclipse in your relationship house which is a huge opportunity you don’t want to miss. If you have been feeling uneasy this month, take a deep breath before you act. When it comes to your love life, you may need to give yourself and your partner a little extra attention this month. Be mindful of old habits and make sure you don’t repeat them with others. Remember to play your part and be conscious of how you feel with certain people and relationships.
The relationships that you care most about are likely to be at the forefront of your thinking this month, and it’s bound to kick up some strong feelings. Take strides to meet your vulnerability with courage, your hopes with a clear plan, and your concerns with potential solutions. There’s no need to rush to the finish line, sweet Leo. Your only job is to walk the path with kindness and integrity this month.
Change can be scary. The point of life is to evolve, not to keep things static. In your love life this month, instead of fixating on what you don’t know or what is out of your control, just look up and be present. Let yourself have an open view of your situation so you don’t get stuck on little details. Remember to focus on your soul, and let go of people who are no longer serving you.
It’s not just OK to take a break—it’s often essential for you to thrive, Libra. This month, your love life is likely to be overwhelmed with strong emotions that may slow you down. Strive to honor your overwhelming feelings of confusion with care and patience. With all this Capricorn energy in the air, it’s important that you don’t become the bully you wish to avoid. Give yourself room to process your relationship or potential love interests at your own pace.
While you may find yourself dealing with a disappointment in your love life this month, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Be open to finding ways of adjusting to what is, instead of lamenting what you thought it should be, Scorpio. What you want may not be what you need, especially as we’ve just come out of a particularly sticky Mercury Retrograde in your sign. Be open to life unfolding in beautifully unexpected ways, my love.
This December, you may feel like things are a bit suspended. This is a good time to be assertive about what you want as far as your love life goes. Allow time for matters or people to develop at their own pace, and for others to have their own reactions before they settle on the response that is right for them. As ever, stay present for the process, even when it gets awkward.
On December 25th there will be a solar eclipse in Capricorn, making it a fertile time for setting intentions and clarifying your vision when it comes to love. Practice getting out of your own way. Act in ways that reflect the person you want to be. The energy you put out is the energy you receive, especially from potential love interests or long term partners. Step up and embody your potential and the rest will follow.
This month is full of new changes for you, babe. However, you may find yourself getting a bit defensive when you feel vulnerable in this new time of your life. Be aware of your tendency to self sabatoge or isolate yourself. You can’t know whats coming next so get out of your comfort zone and go on that date you’ve been putting off. If you are in a relationship, plan a surprise day adventure with your significant other. Remember to practice being present with yourself and with others.
You’re on the verge of a whole new chapter, Pisces, and to make it a good one you’re going to have to trust yourself. Take time this month to get present with the progress you’ve made. With this new momentum, people will find you irresistible. Your energy is intoxicating. Take this time to explore new love interests and your needs when it comes to relationships. This is the perfect time. Strive to have confidence in yourself, and to allow that feeling to empower you to follow through into the new year.