Such a big part of our world here at Threads Headquarters is taking each piece of clothing essentially through a life cycle. From selecting styles we think you will love, to dreaming up photoshoot visions, we want to take you full circle with us. Read along for our exclusive behind the scenes series.
b u y i n g
The buying team is where all of the magic begins. After extensive meetings, planning, and research, these ladies take on LA for the ultimate treasure hunt. They always have goals and visions in mind of what they want to find that day buying, and let me tell you- these ladies don’t give up easy. We knew this fall lookbook needed sequins, faux furs, and eclectic prints for the holidays. So you can imagine, buying this time around was no chore.
g e t t i n g i n s p i r e d
Before we get into full-on creative mode, we like to put together a little mood board so we all have a clear vision of how we want our new lookbook to feel and look like. We pull inspiration from Pinterest and Instagram of course, but it’s not just of styling photos. We look for pretty color palettes- even a gorgeous room or landscape. Anything that inspires you is some way is welcomed.
s t y l i n g
It is truly amazing how you can elevate a piece of clothing through the way you style it. Styling is a core part of our brand because that’s where we can really shine and individualize ourselves in this beautiful sea we call fashion. Our goal is to inspire women to style clothes boldly, and to ultimately make them feel confident and beautiful- because we ALL are.
l i g h t s , c a m e r a , a c t i o n
We envisioned a desert landscape for our fall lookbook, so we packed our bags and road-tripped to Twentynine Palms in the outskirts of Joshua Tree for the ultimate escape. We took the literal road less travelled as we ventured off the side of the highway for this epic backdrop. Shooting in a location like this is instantly inspiring. You really can’t beat it.
c o m i n g s o o n
So glad you came along this journey with us! Check out our IGTV series here for more behind the scenes! Our new lookbook drops this Friday! See you then! <3