Girls, listen up! I have struggled with acne my ENTIRE life. I’ve had everything from your basic teenage acne, cystic acne, hormonal acne, and even my fair share of adult acne. I have tried everything to get rid of it, both store bought products and home remedies. Now after finally having control over my skin and knowing how to beat the acne I feel it's necessary to share with others.
My life changed after I tried my first sulfur wash, and yours will too. Sulfur will fight your acne by drying out the skin and removing all the excess oil and dead skin cells , which then will unclog your pores and allow a fresh new layer of skin to grow in its place. I HIGHLY recommend finding a sulfur wash for your everyday use. You can find many online but I really love the Kate Somerville Eradikate Daily Foaming Cleanser. I use this morning and night just to keep my skin in check around the clock, but if you really want to fight a stubborn zit and you need it gone ASAP then check out the Kate Somerville Eradikate Acne Treatment. All you have to do its put a little on that stubborn zit and it will be gone before you know it! Side note: sulfur can be very drying so make sure to balance it out with a strong moisturizer after.
2. Benzoyl Peroxide & Hydrocortisone
Benzoyl Peroxide has been a leader in the fight against acne! It is capable of decreasing the skin’s oil production that clogs the pores and causes breakouts. It’s also considered an oxidizing agent that allows oxygen to get into your pores and kill that bacteria. Hydrocortisone works great with benzoyl peroxide (in small amounts). You can apply a small amount of hydrocortisone cream directly onto your inflamed pimples and even cysts to reduce all the redness, inflammation and even the annoying itchiness.
3. Tea Tree Oil
This oil has been known to do wonders for the skin! Tea tree oil is full of anti-microbial compounds that prevent the growth of acne-causing bacteria and reduce your breakouts. While tea tree oil is disinfecting your skin, it will dry out your stubborn pimples and allow your skin to feel normal again. You can add a couple drops of oil into 2 tablespoons of water or even aloe vera to feel its benefits.
4. Clay Masks
The most effective clay mask I’ve tried (and I have tried MANY) is the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. You can find a jar at Target, Amazon, and even health food stores in the beauty section. Clay masks that include bentonite have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. The Aztec Secret Clay removes all the impurities from your pores and makes them look smaller and tighter. Just mix the clay with water or apple cider vinegar and you can feel it actually working on your skin within minutes.
5. Aloe Vera
Aloe is very rich in vitamins that give you hydrating and anti-inflammatory benefits. It can soothe your itchy and irritating acne. Remember though, aloe does not heal your acne but acts as a great sidekick for calming the constant irritation and redness. You can buy bottles of aloe over the counter or even buy an aloe leaf in the produce aisle of a grocery store.
With all this being said, I still advise you to listen and love your skin. Your skin knows when something is wrong. If a product stings, then don’t use it. If your skin is dry, give it extra hydration. Just remember to be gentle with it, it’s the largest organ of the body and the first line of defense to protect you.