I don't know if it's just me, but every morning kinda feels like a “Monday”. If you know, you know. I fly out of my bed and rush around trying to get everything in order and then have to carry on with the rest of my day as if I have it all together, seeing how the morning went... I obviously don't. I started adding these simple steps to my day to make me feel like I am kicking ass at life. Oh you wanna kick life’s ass too? Well then, step into my office.
Step 1: Meal prep
I can see all the eye rolls through my computer screen. I get it, if you are not used to meal prepping then it may sound like a huge hassle... but I promise you will bow down to the prepping of your meals once you try it. You can choose any meal you want but personally I prep breakfast and when I’m really in the groove - Lunch. For breakfast: pre-chopped ready to go smoothie bags for my spastic mornings. My go-to smoothie consists of strawberries, banana, peanut butter, lots n lots of leafy spinach and water. Yum.
Step 2: Do something active
There are those eye rolls again. Calm down, it doesn’t have to be a marathon. Just make sure you give yourself some time to reset. A little stroll and fresh air, a 20 minute circuit workout, whatever will let your mind relax and clear just for a little. I am lucky enough that I have a gym right across the street from the office and can get in a quick workout. I realize that’s not everyone’s case, so get creative! Yoga on the grass outside, climb the stairs a couple times, HECK do 20 squats next to your desk if you’re so crammed that day. Whatever it is, I can promise that my days are better when I do even a little something active rather than not!
Step 3: Call/text your loved ones
No matter what kind of day I’m having, hearing someone's voice that I care about makes me feel like there is no wrong in the world. I could be so stressed, and letting it all out to my mom or best friend always helps. It can be a 2 hour vent session or a quick 2 minute I love you. Sometimes we have to pause, life is crazy. You owe it to yourself to just take a breath and say hello to the most important people in your life. Let's be real, at the end of the day- they are the most important thing. OH and your family or friends can’t get mad for saying you never call, so that’s great too.
Step 4: Time blocking
I will be honest this is a fairly new step for me, but when I have made sure to implement this, it changes my whole day. Time blocking. Two words that will make you feel like a complete boss. Basically, it's time framing your day so that you aren't stuck on one thing for too long and taking full advantage of every minute. It’s amazing, you kinda feel like Bradley Cooper in the movie Limitless, totally unstoppable. For example, 1.5 hours for emails, 1 hour for phone calls, 30 minutes for lunch, you get the gist. I feel so productive doing this and I promise when you start you will be addicted.
Step 5: Last but CERTAINLY not least- make your bed
Whether you do this right after you wake up or make it the last thing you do before leaving the house- it needs to be a priority! I mean come on is there really anything better than ripping your sheets back and climbing into your heavenly luscious bed after a long day? I think not. It is a habit that will not only start your day off on the right foot but it will end your day on such a satisfying note as well. Think of it this way- if all else fails in your day, at least you will come home to a nice made bed letting you know you did something right that day.
Habits habits habits. It's good for us, people. It's nice to have things that you can rely on. As I said before, life is crazy so why not try and make it flow a little more seamlessly. We can do it. A little bit of self love and care, some organization, and communication is all it takes. Don’t feel pressured to go and completely change your lifestyle, baby steps. There's no shame in adding these steps in gradually. Just know this- you're beautiful and you can do whatever you set your mind to. Let’s go kick ass at life.