A step into my skincare obsession
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t obsessed with all things skincare and beauty. I am constantly reading about and trying new things to better my skin, because as we all know- skin is in. It is such a good feeling not wearing any makeup and still feeling confident in yourself. As I said I am always trying new things but I do know when I come across something I love I cling on to it...which brings me to these products that I have been consistently using all summer that I think have really boosted my skincare game.
1. Kopari's Coconut Crush Scrub
First on the lineup is Kopari’s Coconut Crush Scrub. Guys, this tub of yumminess will leave your entire body feeling and smelling amazing. I love it because I truly feel like I have a whole new layer of healthy dewy skin after I use it in the shower. It gets rid of all dry skin and leaves you smelling like a coconut dream! Also, it's silicone-free, sulfate-free, paraben-free & GMO-free, so we are just being some earth friendly coconut beauties around here.
2. Dr. Dennis Gross C + Collagen Serum
After exfoliating and cleansing my skin, I always put on a serum. Before I added this step into my daily routine I really didn't understand what all the hype was about. Now, I truly don’t know how I was living without it. My go-to serum is Dr. Dennis Gross C + Collagen Brighten + Firm Brighten Vitamin C Serum, a mouth full but still totally worth it. I swear this stuff has transformed my skin! It is fast acting and does all the things we love; the serum brightens skin, improves the look of fine lines and dark spots- the list of blessings goes on.
3. Supergoop's Invincible Setting Powder
Probably the most important part of a skincare/beauty routine is SPF. Living in California, where it’s always beautiful sunshine, this step is a must for me every single day. You really don't realize how much sun your skin can consume, so why not be preventative with one quick step in your day! Supergoop’s Invincible Setting Powder is literally a superhero of convenient sunscreen. This SPF 45 powder can be used over makeup, barefaced, and it is SWEAT PROOF! Need I say more people. Its easy built in powder brush also gives no excuse to not wear because it takes all of 2 seconds and your skin will thank you in the long run.
photo via: supergoop.com
4. OUAI Wave Hair Spray
My last beauty product I’m going to rave about is on the street over, haircare! One word; OUAI. I am so in love with this entire brand and everything it has to offer. The OUAI Wave Spray is magical. I keep one in my bathroom and a mini bottle in my purse for on-the-go refresh. This spray has been so great all summer, I will spray it in my hair wet or dry and it gives it the most textured beautiful beachy look any human could ever want. Side note, it makes you smell like royalty. This is a hair product I’ll stand by any day.
So as you can see, I’ve tried my fair share of products. Sometimes I'm not too proud of myself walking out of Sephora with all of my new “accessories” (this is what my boyfriend refers to my ridiculous amount of products as, how sweet), but hey it comes with the territory. Like I preached early on, skin is in, and it's so important to start earlier than later. My mom always said growing up, “If you're gonna spend money on anything at least make it something that you put on your face everyday, it's important to take care of yourself.” Thank you Mom, wouldn't be here today without ya, literally.