*We used a very thin macrame cord to do our keychains! If you would like a bulkier look, feel free to check out this cord instead!
Feather Keychain
Cut 5 pieces of 12 inch length cord (2 cords only if using thicker cord).
Cut 38 pieces of 10 inch length cord (If using thicker cord, cut as you go, it will be bulkier)!
Take your 5 12” pieces and, folding them in half, thread them through your lobster clasp. Take the ends and put them through the loop, and pull tight. Yay, you’ve made yourself a Lark’s Head knot! This will be the spine of your feather.
Next, take a piece of 10” cord, fold it in half and lay over the spine. Take a second piece and lay under the spine. This should create 2 loops on either side of the spine. Pull the ends of each piece through the opposite “loop” of the other cord and pull tight to the top of your keychain. This will create a Square Knot.
Repeat this step with remaining 10” cords to end. Each time, make sure to alternate left and right with which cord is on top and bottom. Example: if the left cord is on top and the right cord is on the bottom, next round the right cord will be on top, and the left cord on bottom.
Once you reach the end, flip over your feather and tie the last knot you made ends’ together to secure.
Pro Tip: use a comb to brush through the cords to give the ends a feathery look! After you’re satisfied with that, go ahead and slightly trim edges into a feather shape - get creative babe, it doesn’t have to look exactly like ours!
Attach to your bag and rock it!
Spiral Square Knot Keychain
Cut 8 pieces of 5 foot long cord (4 cords only if using thicker cord)!
Make a Larks Head knot by folding all 8 (or 4) cords in half, thread them through your lobster clasp. Take the ends and put them through the loop, and pull tight.
Separate 4 (2) cords left, 8 (2) middle, and 4 (2) right.
Starting on the right, take your 4 (2) right cords together and cross them over your middle cords - making a backwards “4.” Then, take your left cords and lay them over the ends of the right cords. Still working with the left cords, bring them under the middle and right cords up through the center of the “4.” Take both left and right sides and pull tight to the top of your keychain, making a Square Knot.
Repeat step 4 until you reach your desired length! You’ll notice as you go the knot will begin to “spiral”, this is supposed to happen, just keep adjusting as you go!
To finish off, tie a basic knot at the bottom with the ends, cut a bit off the ends and feel free to brush through for a more feathered look!
If you’re looking for more of a challenge…
Double Half Hitch Keychain
Cut 8 pieces of 5 foot cords (4 cords only if using thicker cord).
Fold each in half and individually thread through your lobster clasp to make 8 single Larks Head Knots.
We will be using each Lark’s Head knot as a single cord. So, we will be working with 2 strands each time. You can use just one, but we wanted a bulkier look so we doubled up! (If you are using a thicker cord, ONLY USE 1 CORD).
I went ahead and did the right side to show you how it will look! It doesn’t matter which side you start on! So first, you will want to divide your cords in half, 8 (4) on the left and 8 (4) on the right.
Begin with taking the two outer left cords and holding them over the others at a diagonal. This is your lead cord, we will create the knots on this cord, think of it like a guideline! When making these Double Half Hitch Knots, it is very important to always hold your lead cord in the direction you want your design to go.
Holding your left lead cords, take the next 2 (1) cords on the outer left, cross them over the lead cord, and pull through the hole created. Tighten by pulling the ends to the top left. Pro Tip: Keep your lead cord nice and tight in the same position, don’t move those cords, only move the ones you are knotting!
Make 2 knots for every cord!
Once you reach the center, do the same to the right side.
Now you should be at the middle. We will make 3 more rows of this knot, but after every row, it is important to join the middle so you don’t have a gaping hole in the center of your design! To do this, we are just going to make an “X” with our middle two cords (the lead cords), basically just swapping them to the other side to keep the middle closed. The middle will close up on the next round.
Now you should have your 4 rows of Double Half Hitch Knots! Next we are going to switch it up a little! We are going to keep going with the right side lead cord, and holding it at a downward diagonal, we are going to knot to the left using the left side cords.
Make sure you are holding the lead cords over the others! You will have small “gaps” here, which is okay that is part of the design! Once you finish and make your way to the left side, go back to the middle, and taking the left side lead cords, do the same and make knots in the right direction!
Next, make 3 more rows of Double Half Hitch knots. You will now use the 2 center cords on each side as your lead cords, and hold them at an outward diagonal angle.
Now we are going to add a little extra flair to the design! Put the 2 outermost cords on either end to the side. We will just be using the inner 12 cords. Divide them into 3 groups.
Take the 2 outside groups of 4 cords and cross them over the middle group - one group over the middle, and one group under. Then, pull the ends of each outside group through the holes you created. Pull up to the top - not too tight, but just enough to where you can see the square knot you just created!
To close this up, we are going to make 4 more rows of the Double Half Hitch knots we did at the beginning. Follow steps 5-8, remembering to cross the lead cords when you reach the center.
You made it babe! To finish up, do one more Double Half Hitch knot using the 2 lead cords in the center. I also made basic knots at the bottom to reinforce each of the cords, and frayed the ends for a more boho effect!
Check out our fave macrame tutorial videos for more help on how to make knots!